
Currently only the Josephine Nefkens Institute and the departments of Hematology and Molecular Genetic organize lectures. The lecture series can be followed via Zoom and at the Erasmus MC. Regularly there are lectures from high-profile international researchers.
You can find more information here and on the posters below.


Molecular Genetics

Frequency: every other Monday; 16:00-17:00h

Contact: Tessa Mannee

Frequency: 1 Tuesday a month; 16:00-17:00h

Contact: Jasperina Erades

Erasmus Hematology Lectures 2024-2025
PDF – 1,4 MB 74 downloads

Josephine Nefkens Institute

Frequency: 1 Wednesday a month; 11:00-12:00h

Contact: Diana Brusink

JNI lectures 2024-2025
PDF – 94,9 KB 75 downloads